Tips for a Succesful Spring Cleaning
With spring just around the corner, many of us are itching for the nice weather. After being cooped up in the house all winter, you may also be itching for a good spring cleaning. Between snow and salt being tracked all over the floors, dust accumulating from the heat, and windows being covered from debris in the air, a deep clean should definitely be on your to-do list. And if you’re going to go through with the effort to do this, don’t hold back! A successful spring clean can help you to develop new habits and get you back on track to be organized all year long. We’re talking about a spring clean that goes beyond just sweeping and mopping the floors; Cleaning out the garage, attic, basement, throwing away items that are just cluttering up your home, etc. Below we have some tips to make sure you’re ready to take on this big task!
Have a Plan
This is the most important part. Completing any task is always easier if you have a plan. Get organized and decide which areas you’ll tackle, and where to start. Deciding these things beforehand will allow the process to go smoother right from the start.
Be Brave
We understand that some items in your home are still around for sentimental value, especially if it was something inherited from a family member. It can be difficult to part with these items. But at a certain point, you’ll realize they’re just taking up space and you’ll really never use them. Try taking a nice photograph of the item, and frame it in your home to be displayed. This way, you’ll see and appreciate it more, rather than if it was covered in dust in a corner of your attic.
It can also be hard to throw things away, such as clothes if you know they’re still in good condition and have barely been worn. But if you knew someone was going to make good use of them once you dispose of them, wouldn’t that make you feel better? Take clothes that no longer fit, or that you simply don’t wear anymore to your local Goodwill, to go to someone in need.
Rent a Dumpster
If you’re going to go into this project full force, having a dumpster will make this process easier. You won’t be distracted by finding trashbags or having to make trips to the dump. Plus, if you have a dumpster large enough, it’ll motivate you to throw out as much as possible; Which may be just the boost you need to finally get rid of some old junk!
Contact Clifford Containers
If you’re serious about your spring cleaning this season, contact Clifford Containers to schedule your dumpster rental today! We’ll help plan when you’ll need it dropped off and picked up by, and which size would be best. For all of your dumpster needs in Weymouth, Abington, Bridgewater, Whitman, and the rest of the South Shore, you can count on us! Fill out a form to get a custom quote today, or give us a call at (781) 337-7389!